Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Describing People
(Listening Skill)

Here are some words that can help you describe someone:

COMPLEXION        : fair, dark, white, brown, black.
HEIGHT                    : short, tall, average-height.
BUILD/ FIGURE      : small, big, stocky, muscular, skinny, slim, slender, plump, fat, obese.
LOOKS                      : attractive, beautiful, charming, pretty, cute, cool, sexy, plain, ugly.
HAIR                         : straight, wavy, curly, kinky, long, short, shoulder-length, fair, dark,
                                     blonde, red, black.
EYES                          : round, big, small, slanted, almond-shaped.
NOSE                         : pointed, sharped, flat, pug.
FACE                         : round, oval, long, almond-shaped, square.

Give your students some picture, and try to make them describe the face in the picture. 


Describing peoples from Nisaa Ardhita

A. Listen and choose the word they say from the options below!
My Family

I'd like to tell you about some members of my family. This is my (Sister/Mother) Helen. She's young, slim and (Attractive/Attraction). She's got red Curly hair, a pretty snub nose and (Round/Rosey) cheeks. Her eyes are green which I think match her (Ear/Hair) rather well. She likes to dress casually, and most of the time she just (Where/Wears) jeans and a jumper.
This here is a picture of Auntie Mable. She is short and somewhat (Plum/Plump) . She's very elegant, though. Her straight, (Blonde/Brown) hair is cut short and she always wears a bob. She's also fond of (Hats/Hate) which is not terribly trendy these days. But I suppose you don't always have to look (Comfortable/Fashionable) to look good. I have no idea how old she is, but I'm guessing she would say Middle-aged, which normally means the person doesn't want to be called old, but they're not young any more either. Auntie Mable is awfully chatty. Sometimes I think she never stops (Taking/Talking). Auntie Mable also loves her tiny dog, who could easily fit in her fancy handbags.

This is my (Niece/Nice) Julia, and her little brother, Jake. Julia is a toddler and Jake is only a tiny baby. They're both cheerful little kids - always smiley and (Trendy/Friendly). Julia has (Wide/Wild) brown hair which she doesn't like to comb. And Jake has hardly any hair at all. Julia has a pretty little button nose with some very sweet (Wrinkles/Freckles) around it. And Jake is a (Rough/Round)-faced little chap. They are both rather determined. They always know exactly what they want.

This is my (Cousin/Cousins), George. He is taller-than-average, and so he is a bit clumsy. He often bumps his (Head/Hair) on doorways and keeps knocking things over because of his long arms. He is also a bit overweight, so most of the time he wears comfortable baggy clothes. He says he'd like to lose (Weight/Height), so he goes running every day with his dog. Because he is rather large and he (Wear/Wears) glasses too, he is normally very shy. He doesn't talk to people much and doesn't have many friends either. I still like him a lot because he is (Gorgeous/Generous) and warm-hearted.
Asking and Giving Opinion
(Speaking Skill)

This is an expressions that you can use to Asking and Giving Opinion.

  • Asking Opinion

Have you got any comments on…
Do you have any idea?
Do you have any opinion on…
Would you give me your opinion on…?
What is your reaction to…
What is your opinion about…?
What are you feeling about...?
What are your views on…?
Please give me your frank opinion.

What do you think of/about…?
What is your opinion?
Why do they behave like that?
Do you think that…?
How do you like?
How do you think?

  • Giving Opinion 


I personally believe…

I personally consider…

I personally think /feel…

I hold the opinion…

My own view of the matter is…

Well, personally…

If I had my view, I would...


I think (that).…

I believe  (that)

In my opinion…

It seems to me (that)…..

As far as I’m concerned…

In my opinion,…

I think that …

An example of dialogue consist of expression of Asking and Giving Opinion.

Mr. Subroto: "Next month is long vacation, isn't it? Where do you think we should spend our holiday, Doni?"
Doni: "I think Bali is a nice place to visit. There are a lot of beautiful scenery over there."
Siska: "I do agree with Doni. But, we had been there last year."
Mr. Subroto: "So, what is your opinion, Siska?"
Siska: "I think Jogjakarta is good to visit. There are a lot of historical places there. We can travel and study also."
Mom: "Absolutely! Jogja is nice place. We've never been there, right?"
Mr. Subroto: "Mm, What do you think, Doni? Your mom and your sister are eager for visiting Jogjakarta."
Doni: "That's OK, Dad. I come with you."
Mr. Subroto: "Good. Next month we are going to travel to Jogjakarta."

Give the students some picture, and try to get their Opinion about the pictures.

Picture 1

  Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

After showing some pictures, give the students exercise about Asking and Giving Opinion.

   Exercise 1:  Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! 
      1.      Alex: What’s your opinion about our new friend, Paul?        
            Paul: … she is okay.

            a.       She says

            b.      To my mind

            c.       I see

            d.      Don’t say

      2.      Ami: ... our new teacher, Ima?
      Ima: In my opinion, he is nice and wise.

            a.       What do you think about

            b.      Do you think

            c.       Think about

            d.      To my mind

3.   Nur: ….
Lies: I believe Indonesia will be the champion.

          a.       Do you know Indonesian Open?

          b.      What can you say about Indonesian Open?

          c.       Do you watch Indonesian Open? 
          d.      Have you heard about Indonesian Open? 

      4.    Rita: What do you feel about this hat, Sinta 
     Sinta: I think it’s pretty good for you. It matches with the colour of your clothes. 
     The underline sentence express? 
a.       Asking for opinion

b.      Giving opinion

c.       Request

d.      An offer


       5.    Romy: …. Indonesia, Mike?
     Mike: It’s a beautiful country with friendly people. And I love Indonesia.

  a.         How do you know

  b.         Do you like

  c.         What’s your opinion about

  d.        Could I leave

Exercise 2: Match the following Asking & giving opinion.

.............. 1. How was the movie?

.............. 2. How do you like living in London?

.............. 3. How do you feel about the weather this morning?

.............. 4. Can we be in time for the meeting?

 .............. 5. Do you think he will come?

A. It’s too cold!

B. I’m afraid not, because we trapped in traffic jam.

C. It’s a nice city and the air is so fresh.

D. No, I don’t think he will. He always comes late.

     E. Really boring.

Work in pairs, make a short and simple dialogue consist asking and giving opinion. Give your students some topics, such as:
  • Tv programs
  • Your English Teacher
  • Boy and Girl band in Indonesia
  • Food in your canteen
  • Public transportation in Indonesia
  • Illegal Logging
  • Global Warming